Monday 30 July 2018


An elderly gentleman from "Mitteleuropa" (Middle Europe), whose hobby is trying to influence things that don't concern him in the slightest, has been spending money to meddle in a forthcoming primary election in the little known state of Kansas.

The man, George Soros, 87, who is banned from involvement in elections in his own countries -- Hungary and Israel -- is hoping to stop the pro-Trump Kris Kobach from being selected as the Republican candidate for the Governorship of Kansas in an August 7th primary. As Kansas is a solid "red state," the Republican candidate is certain to become Governor. 

Kolbach is hoping to unseat sitting Republican governor Jeff Colyer, who became governor earlier this year after previous governor Sam Brownback stepped down to become U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom.

As Colymer is a "swamp creature," the elderly gentleman from Mitteleuropa would much prefer him to be elected, and has been supporting his campaign with mailers, "robocalls," and ads attacking Kobach. These have been carried out by the American Civil Liberties Union, a sinister organisation that he financially backs and which promotes degeneracy, open borders, and a one-world globalist superstate. 

But the campaign seems to be backfiring. Strangely, Kansas Republicans appear to have a weird prejudice against being told how to vote by a foreign billionaire who wants to destroy their country. The latest polls put Kolback nine points ahead of his globalist rival, at 34% to 25%. 

As reported by Breitbart:

"The lead for Kobach has seemed to grow as undecided voters break for the populist conservative who has served as an immigration adviser to Trump. Much of this support, Kobach’s campaign says, has to do with the fact that the Soros-funded ACLU has not only attacked the Secretary of State, but seemed to unofficially endorse Colyer in the primary.

“We expect Colyer to continue to lose support as Kansans learn that he is backed by the liberal, George Soros-funded ACLU, and other liberal, dark money groups,” Kobach’s communications director Danedri Herbert said.

Hmmm, I'm not at all happy with this situation, because all Soros has to do to control every single future election is to publicly endorse the guy he secretly wants to lose.

Soros and waifu. 

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