Friday 6 July 2018


Back in 2015 Baltimore's Black female mayor responded to riots in the city by ordering police to disengage. She explained this odd decision to the media by saying she was giving the rioters "space to destroy." 

Well now, not only do the thugs in the 63% Black city have "space to destroy," they also have plenty of "elbow room to murder" as well. 

The city has now been named the "Most Dangerous City in the U.S." for 2018 by a report in USA Today.

While the murder rate in America dropped by about 2% in the nation's 50 largest cities -- 5,738 homicides in 2017 compared to 5,863 the year before -- it was a mixed picture:

While New York and others boasted of significant progress, other large cities saw a big surge in killings in 2017. Baltimore is the big city with the highest per capita murder rate in the nation, with nearly 56 murders per 100,000 people. At 343 murders in 2017, the city tallied the highest per capita rate in its history. Columbus tallied 143 murders — 37 more than 2016 and the most the city has seen in a single year. In both cities, officials blamed the rise in homicides on gangs and drug activity.

It seems that one reason for the rise of "smaller big cities" like Baltimore (pop. 611,000) and Columbus (pop. 879,000) to the top of the table is that -- for some unknown reason -- they simply don't have the money to invest in crime-fighting technology, whereas big cities like New York (pop. 8,622,000, 25% Black), Chicago (pop. 2,716,000, 33% Black) and Houston (pop. 2,312,000, 26% Black) can splurge on it. In these cities, the murder rate dropped by 13.4%, 14.7%, and 11% respectively.

“In New York, they concentrated on the right neighborhoods, they’ve invested well in predictive analytics and technology,” said Peter Scharf, a criminologist at the LSU School of Public Health and Justice. “The other part of what we’re seeing nationally might be a story of haves and have-nots. While some departments have made the investments, other police departments are still in the backwater of policing.”

Chicago saw its murder tally dip to 650 in 2017 from 762 in the prior year. The murder toll remains high in the Windy City — near levels of violence the city endured in the late 1990s — but police officials there say they believe investments in technology are beginning to help officers stem the violence.

Now, why on earth would Baltimore be lacking in money to invest in anti-crime tech? It simply doesn't make sense.

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