Wednesday 11 July 2018


The Muslim population of the UK is set to triple in 30 years, shooting up from 4.1 million in 2016 to 13 million in 2050. This is not according to some paranoid Alt-Lite or Alt-Right website, but instead comes from the Pew Research Centre, which usually likes to soft soap this kind of trend.

The data also suggests that the UK will overtake countries like Germany and France to have the biggest Muzzie population in Europe. This is because the UK attracts more Muslim economic migrants, who bring in women to breed with, rather than the kind of "refugees" flooding into Germany -- single young men posing as children -- who are usually less well equipped to start immediate breeding.

As reported by the Cuckservative Daily Telegraph, which typically supports close financial UK contacts with the Gulf States and the Muslim world:

The UK also has one of the largest gaps in fertility rates between Muslims and non-Muslims, with Muslim women having an average of 2.9 children compared to the 1.8 had by non-Muslims. This means that even if migration were to stop completely, the group's population share would rise by more than 3 per cent in the UK, as well as in France, Italy, and Belgium.

The paper suggests that if migration continues at the same rate but refugee movement stops, the UK will have the highest overall population of Muslims in the EU, at 13m, making up 16.7 per cent of the population.

Currently the country is behind Germany and France in overall population of Muslims. 

One of the reasons for the UK's rapid colonisation by Third Worlders and Muslims is that it has one of the highest "cuck ratings" in Europe, with native British people having absurdly positive views regarding their racial replacement. 

Pew researched attitudes towards Muslim migrants and found that just one in three people in the UK saw them as a major threat, compared to 39% in France, 42% in Spain and 60% in Poland. 

Well, Britain, it's been great knowing you, please introduce us to your replacement on the way out -- the Muslim Caliphate of Al-Engiltira. 

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