Tuesday, 26 June 2018


A broken clock is right twice a day, and in the same way, the US Supreme Court can occasionally get it right, as we see in the Court's recent 5-4 decision to uphold President Trump's completely sensible travel ban on people from nations connected to terrorism and anarchy. The ruling overturns numerous attempts by blatantly political lower courts to overturn the ban.

As reported by the communist BBC, which was none too pleased by the decision:

The court's reversal is viewed as a victory for the Trump administration. The ban prohibits most people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen from entering the US. Mr Trump said the Supreme Court decision was a "great victory" for the nation and constitution.

"We have to be tough and we have to be safe and we have to be secure," the Republican president said in Tuesday's meeting with lawmakers.

"The ruling shows that all the attacks from the media and the Democrat politicians were wrong, and they turned out to be very wrong," he added.

The ban is sometimes wrongly referred to as a "Muslim ban," which is stupid because there are dozens of Muslim countries that are not included in the ban. The only reason it can be spun by the Left as a "Muslim ban" is because Muslim nations tend to be more connected to terrorism and anarchy, which is what the ban is really aimed at -- except in the case of Iran, which is merely on the list to please Israel.

Responding to the Court's decision, Trump also used the occasion to take a quick swipe at the EU, telling reporters:

"If you look at the European Union, they're meeting right now to toughen up their immigration policies because they've been over-run, they've been over-run. And frankly, a lot of those countries are not the same places anymore."

The Supreme Court has done more to undermine America than perhaps any other institution in the last few decades, with countless bad decisions that have made a mockery of America's constitution and democracy. 

The fact that they finally got something right doesn't mean they are off the hook. It just reminds us of all the reasons why this anti-democratic body should be abolished, as this could so easily have gone the other way.

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