Friday 15 June 2018


Based African Jews turning their lives around with Judaism.
Israel was originally set up as a safe homeland for Jews of all descriptions from all over the World. The one thing it wasn't supposed to be was a state concerned with racial purity. After all Jewishness wasn't supposed to be a race -- just a religion, an ethnic identity, and a few weird and wonderful medical conditions. 

Now it seems that the Jewish state is not only engaging in racial discrimination, but is specifically targeting African Jews.

As reported by the Israeli news site Haaretz:
After years of deliberations, the Israeli Interior Ministry has resolved not to grant recognition to the Jewish community of Uganda, Haaretz has learned.

Its decision was revealed in a response to the first and only request thus far by a member of the 2,000-strong Ugandan Abayudaya community, who sought to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return.

The response, obtained by Haaretz, notes that the applicant’s “conversion is not recognized for the purpose of receiving status in Israel” and that, therefore, he must leave the country by June 14 or risk deportation.

When Haaretz asked the ministry about its decision, a spokesperson said, "This is a matter of principle regarding conversions in this community – it is not about one specific applicant."

The decision is a slap in the face to the Conservative movement, which converted most of the members of this emerging Jewish community and has taken it under its wings.
Wow, even in Israel they have cuckservatives like ours, except they believe in "based Black Jews," etc.

But what is important here is the message that the Israeli government is sending out. Essentially what it is saying is that Jewishness involves a kind of White Supremacism

I'm not saying that is wrong, bad, or even unworkable. In fact I think it's probably a good thing. But, if being Jewish means also being White and then protecting that racial identity as a foundation for Jewish ethnic identity, then it would simply save everybody a lot of time and confusion to just come out and say that, wouldn't it?

Really, one wonders why they don't.
Is Israel trying to move towards the ideology it needs to survive?

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