Friday 22 June 2018


Time Magazine, a once famous magazine that most people have already forgotten and which is slashing its circulation, has found a great way to get lots of free publicity and remind people that it still exists. 

It is doing this by running a fake news story with a cover that is easy-to-meme. 

The fake story concerns a photograph of a small, crying migrant girl, whom the magazine claims was separated from her parents. Rather predictably this has now been disproved.

The girl is represented on the cover looking up at an impassive President Trump on a plain red background with the words "Welcome to America."

The "triggering" caused by this fake news in conjunction with the large empty spaces of the cover design have been carefully calibrated to lure Trump supporters, Dissident Righters, and Irony Bros to meme the hell out of the image. 

The big winner here is of course Time Magazine, which gets people who hate it to remind everyone else that its exists. This is effectively the same way that flowers get bees to spread their pollen. 

Below are a selection of some of the memed images that have now flooded the internet:

It remains to be seem what effect this will have on what is essentially a dying magazine. Hopefully none.

1 comment:

  1. What this means is that someone at Time has a wicked sense of humor. Nothing more. They punked all of us. Their editing staff understands how sanctimonious the left has become, and since they're mag is failing, well, they might as well get a chuckle out of it.


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