Thursday 28 June 2018


Pushing the Democrats to destruction, LOL: Ocasio-Cortez

I think we can already call the 2020 US Presidential election. Donald Trump will win in a landslide.

Without credible opposition, there is no alternative outcome, and right now the Democrats are very far from being credible opposition. 

This has been underlined in a recent poll that shows Democrats still looking back, doubling down on past failure, and clinging onto old, discredited politicians to keep the capstone on the divisive politics that will define the Party's next -- and possibly last -- generation. 

The poll, carried out by Harvard CAPS/Harris, asked Democrat voters who they thought would be the favourite to win the Democratic nomination for the 2020 vote. 

Surprisingly 32% went for ex-Obama-VP and serial molester Joe Biden, who would become 78 a few days after the election, while 18% still believed Hillary (aged 73) was the ideal candidate to lead the Dems. Bernie Sanders (79) and Elizabeth Warren (71) were third and fourth with 16% and 10% respectively. 

Really, there is no escaping the obvious pattern here: Dem voters are clinging onto a dying cadre of ageing White politicians because they know this is their last, fading hope of uniting disparate groups to win again. They also know that this is the only thing that still keeps them backing the party.

The next generation of Democrat politicians will quite clearly be tribalists, basing their power on appealing to racial minorities and victim groups, and on hating White people. While taking over states and cities will be possibilities, sweeping the nation will become an impossibility.

Don't believe me? Well, this useful map will help:

It shows how non-White Democrats are taking over more and more parts of the party, starting from the grassroots up.  

We already got a taste of this in the defeat of Democratic Party stalwart Joseph Crowley in the Congressional primary in Bronx and Queens the other day. Crowley was a White, 10-term veteran, who tried to build awkward coalitions and not piss off the wrong people. In other words, prime boomer. But that didn't mesh with the increasingly shrill tribalistic note in Democratic politics.

Here the winner was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old Hispanic with strong socialist credentials that included robust criticism of Israel. In other words, a pure tribalist with little thought or care for the greater unity of the party that the Dems need to function as a national party. 

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