Friday 8 June 2018


Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache 
Some accordion music must have wafted over the border from the Former Republic of Yugoslavia because Austria has quite literally decided to "remove kebab" by shutting down seven mosques and expelling up to 60 Turkish-funded imams and their families.

As reported by the Daily Mail:
Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said the government is shutting a hardline Turkish nationalist mosque in Vienna and dissolving a group called the Arab Religious Community that runs six mosques.

His coalition government, an alliance of conservatives and the far right, came to power soon after Europe's migration crisis on promises to prevent another influx and clamp down on benefits for new immigrants and refugees.

In a previous job as minister in charge of integration, Chancellor Kurz oversaw the passing of a tough 'law on Islam' in 2015, which banned foreign funding of religious groups and created a duty for Muslim societies to have 'a positive fundamental view towards (Austria's) state and society'.

'Parallel societies, political Islam and radicalisation have no place in our country,' Kurz told a news conference outlining the government's decisions, which were based on that law.

'This is just the beginning,' far-right Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache added.
One of the mosques in question, located in the Favoriten district of Vienna, was said to be under the influence of the Turkish supremacist group the Grey Wolves, who openly advocate colonising European countries by stealth and "terraforming" them into Turkish and Islamic areas to recreate the Ottoman Empire.

About 600,000 of Austria's 8.8 million people are Muslims, with around 360,000 being Turkish nationals or of Turkish descent.

This effective action by the Austrian state is taking place because Austrian nationalists, like Heinz-Christian Strache, managed to appeal to the Austrian people by avoiding the kind of stupid Nazi LARPing that so-called "American nationalists" like Richard Spencer, Greg Johnson, Mike Enoch, and Andrew Anglin made commonplace in the US Alt-Right during their "Great Drive to the Margins" (2016-18).

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