Wednesday 13 June 2018


If there's one thing that we know about the Alt-Lite it is that they like to play fast and loose with the truth

There are two ways to view this: 
(a) they are a bunch of worthless, lying, clickbaiting cunts, milking their audience of gullible morons for donations

(b) they are brilliant agitators bending the truth to spark off healthy outrage about the general problems of society.
Well, it seems they are at it again, in the case of Tommy Robinson, spreading rumours and misinformation about Robinson facing almost certain death in prison in order to spark off outrage, anger, and panic

Here's a typical alarmist piece from Milo Yiannoupolous's Alt-Lite site Dangerous:
‘Certain Death’ as Tommy Robinson Abruptly Moved to Violent, Muslim-Dominated Prison

U.K. officials have moved political prisoner Tommy Robinson from the safety of Hull prison, where he was serving out a 13-month sentence, to Onley, near Birmingham.

The move, which happened on June 12, effectively hurls Robinson into what supporters say is certain death.

Onley, a notoriously violent prison, is overrun by Muslim gangs and has a reputation for riots. A colleague of Robinson told InfoWars Robinson estimated the wing of his new cell was about 70 per cent Muslim.

InfoWars’ Paul Joseph Watson tweeted inmates were banging on Robinson’s cell all night chanting death threats. According to a press release, Robinson’s family confirms he has received numerous death threats from Muslim inmates who object to Robinson’s critique of radical Islam.
According to Alt-Lite site Infowars, the UK has even been taken over by an Islamist cabal.

This is basically trading on American ignorance of what's going on in the UK.

The fact is that Onley is a category C prison, which in the UK is just one security level above an open prison. This means that prisoners here are not generally considered violent or a security risk, as they are in Category A "Maximum Security" or Category B prisons, where the more dangerous prisoners are kept. Robinson's last prison, Hull, was actually a Category B.

The prison is also not overwhelmingly Muslim, as the Alt-Lite are implying. In a report published in 2016, it is reported as having a Muslim population of 30%, although only 12.5% of the prisoners are Asian (i.e. including Pakistanis and Bangladeshis). Meanwhile 41.3% of the prisoners are White, and 45% identify as Christian.

Onley is also considerably closer to Robinson's home town of Luton, making it easier for friends or relatives to visit, which may be one of the main reasons for his move.

Of course, anything could happen to Tommy in prison, and it would only take one Muslim to kill Tommy. But the narrative here that the British authorities are purposely dropping Tommy into a veritable lion's den of murderous Muslims is exaggerated and a bit hysterical to say the least. 

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