Wednesday 20 June 2018


Alan Sugar, the British businessman who does the Donald Trump role in the UK version of "The Apprentice," was the subject of a Twitter shitstorm after he dared to praise the Senegal team in a way that SJWs did not approve of. 

Sugar, who is Jewish and a member of the House of Lords, got into trouble when he praised the West African team, which yesterday beat Poland 2-1, and compared them, using a photo-edited image, to African street traders he saw in the resort town of Marbella in Spain.  

Despite Lord Sugar's comment emphasising positives like resourcefulness and ability to multitask, he was immediately denounced as a "racist" by virtue-signalling twats across social media who said he was perpetuating a stereotype of Black people as poor. There were even calls for Sugar to be investigated by parliament and the BBC, which broadcasts "The Apprentice."

Instead of just waiting for the brouhaha to blow over, Sugar cucked and made the whole thing worse by abjectly apologising in a tweet:

"I misjudged my earlier tweet. It was in no way intended to cause offence, and clearly my attempt at humour has backfired. I have deleted the tweet and am very sorry."

Essentially the message sent out here to all celebs is that it's probably not a good idea to mention Blacks at all, let along interact with them or have Black friends, or even talk about them to other people. 

If you do, you are basically skating on thin ice, as you might say or do something that will get you called a "racist" and hounded from your cosy jobs in the media.

1 comment:

  1. They won't be happy until whites can't say anything at all.


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