Friday 25 May 2018


Liberal activist Tommy Robinson has been arrested for a "breach of the peace" and will possibly be jailed as he is on parole after being sentenced to a suspended sentence of three months last year.

Robinson was arrested as he was quietly streaming a Facebook live video outside Leeds Crown Court, where a Muslim grooming/rape gang trial was underway. His existing suspended sentence was for "contempt of court," after he filmed inside a court building during a similar trial of four Muslim men in May 2017. 

At that trial, the judge stated that Robinson's conviction was not to suppress his free speech or to stop criticism of Muslim grooming gangs, but to stop him interfering with the judicial process.

"This is not about free speech," the female judge said at the time. "It is not about the freedom of the Press, nor about legitimate journalism, and not about political correctness. It is about justice and ensuring that a trial can be carried out justly and fairly... It’s about being innocent until proven guilty. It is about preserving the integrity of the jury to continue without people being intimidated or being affected by irresponsible and inaccurate reporting."

Robinson specialises in a highly emotive type of reporting/ campaigning that is designed to expose the contradictions of the British multicultural state. It is an approach that also casts him as a victim, martyr, and sympathy figure, "bravely" fighting against a cruel and tyrannical establishment. Over the years, this formula has managed to build up his fame so that his name is now a household word in the UK.

Although typically described as a "right-winger" and a "nationalist," Robinson is far from either. Essentially he is a liberal individualist who opposes radical Islam because he sees it as a threat to the feminist, low-birthrate, gay-friendly, liberal, individualistic values of England. 

The British government, by contrast, believes in a creed of extreme multiculturalism that relies on the native population making "allowances" for problematic immigrant cultures like Islam, even when their children are being raped on an industrial scale. 

This policy is also greatly strengthened by UK economic interests, with London, for example, being a major tourist, prostitution, and banking centre for extremely rich Gulf Arabs. 

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