Monday 28 May 2018


The pit bull menace continues to go from bad to worse. In the latest case, a lovable Shih Tzu puppy with an uncanny likeness to popular Star Wars character Chewbacca, was viciously savaged to death. 

As reported by the UK tabloid, The Sun:
A tiny Shih Tzu named Chewie over its likeness to Chewbacca from Star Wars has been savaged to death by a pit bull. Owner Shannon Newman, 18, was walking her six-month-old pup when the larger dog bounded up and clamped him in its jaws.

She said: “He threw Chewie in the air, picked him up again then shook him to death.

“The owner eventually came over to us and had to pull my dog out of his dog’s mouth.

“They were apologetic and took Chewie to the vet with me.”

While Chewie lay on the floor following the attack he let out one final whine before going still, and nothing could be done to bring him back.
No one can blame pit bulls for acting like this. They are pit bulls after all. It is just their nature. They can't help the fact that they have been bred to be savage, brutal killing machines, designed to lock onto their victims until grim death. 

With the correct system of restraints and more permanent methods of "control," that problem is at least manageable.

These are the kind of evil images that pit bull
deniers use to normalise their favourite psycho dogs.
But a much bigger problem is the large number of "pit bull deniers" who regularly post cute pictures of pit bulls on social media, and pretend that they are just like other dogs, i.e. interested in fetching sticks, gently rounding up sheep, or playing nicely with young children. 

They are not!

Through such crass actions, these thoughtless and evil pit bull deniers "normalise" this inherently evil breed of dog and enable them to express their violent natures to the cost of innocent people and other non-violent dog breeds alike. 

Before we can deal with the problem of pit bulls, we must first deal with the much greater problem of pit bull deniers.

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