Tuesday 22 May 2018


After the long-running fake anti-Semitism row in the Labour Party caused by Jew-loving left-wingers, like Ken Livingstone, daring to criticise Israel's security policy, Jewish paranoia and over-sensitivity has now shot up to even higher levels, following the publication of a cartoon mocking Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu in Germany.

The cartoon shows Netanyahu in the role of recent Eurovision song contest winner Netta, saying "Next year in Jerusalem," while holding what appears to be a mortar shell of bomb. 

Instead of taking this as a fairly standard image mildly mocking someone who had just overseen the massacre of scores of Palestinians, many Jews instead perceived the cartoon by 85-year-old cartoonist Dieter Hanitzsch as deeply offensive and anti-Semitic in the same way that Hitler is seen as anti-Semitic. The outcry even led the paper, the Suddeutsche Zeitung, to sack the cartoonist.

As reported by the Turkish Anadolu News Agency:
The cartoon led to an uproar on social media and other German media outlets. Suddeutsche Zeitung’s Editor-in-Chief Wolfgang Krach apologized for the caricature, however Hanitzsch refused.

Speaking to local media outlets, the 85-year-old cartoonist said he wanted to criticize Netanyahu's exploitation of the Eurovision contest for his own purposes and accused him of abusing the singer's victory.

He added that it was not a common thing for a newspaper to fire its cartoonist over a drawing.

"You can reprimand him, warn him, but firing is not a good way," he said.

Previously, Hanitzsch had drawn cartoons criticizing and even insulting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He was defended on the basis of freedom of the press and expression, for his drawings published in the same newspaper.
Here we see the old double standard in full force with a Biblical vengeance. 

It seems that, in future, any mention whatsoever of Netanyahu or Israel, including this completely neutral article, will be construed as anti-Semitic hate speech. The only thing to say is "Chill, Jews!" (hope I spelled that right).

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