Wednesday 16 December 2020


The Deep State's infallible plan to destroy British nationalism

If you thought that Patriotic Alternative (PA) couldn't sink much lower, you were wrong. The fact is they are going to keep on sinking, dragging British nationalism down with them as far as they can go into the mire. 

In the latest scandal for the probably-Deep-State-run party, it has been revealed that PA is now using nonces (pedoes) and Liberal Democrats -- yes, actual Lib Dems!!! -- to spread its built-to-fail nationalist message. 

A report by Vice magazine reports:

An investigation by anti-fascist research group Red Flare has revealed that a number of the [PA] banners were printed by [Nicholas] Hill, a former Liberal Democrat candidate for Lewisham council.

Hill is known by the online pseudonym “Cornelius”. He lives in Catford, south London, with two young white neo-Nazi lodgers. In a private PA Telegram chat, seen by Red Flare and VICE World News, he describes the residence as a self-sufficient “ethno village”, intended as a trial run for a future whites-only white enclave. He grows food and makes wine under the label “Ethno Villages”.

The article reveals that Hill is a regional organiser for PA, and also runs a photograph showing him with a nonce:

Hill and Shand

"He is pictured at a PA event in Kent on 17th October next to James Shand, a convicted child sex offender. PA deputy leader Laura Melia has described PA as 'family orientated. We have a lot of women and children who attend our events'." 

OK, so it was some scummy antifa bedwetter organisation that doxxed Hill, but, really, can it get any worse than this? An actual Lib Dem!!!

Let me just remind the more sheltered among you what that means. Here is a typical "old school" Lib Dem. Notice the 'shadow of night' about him in the middle of the day:

His name is Jeremy Thorpe. Google the sick fuck. The policeman is not there to protect Thorpe from the public, but rather to protect the public from Thorpe.

Next, another typical Lib Dem. I'm not even sure if this guy is human:

Meet Cyril Smith. This monster could probably teach Muslim rape gangs a thing or two about pedoeing.

Next up Vince Cable:

Yes, it's no accident that he looks like a cross between a KGB agent and an extra from a 1960s Hammer Horror film. Don't worry, that's perfectly normal in the Lib Dem Party.

Now for one of the ladies -- former Lib-Dem leader Jo Swinson:

This is after make-up and photo-shopping by her PR team!

Yes, the PA, in it's relentless quest to burn British nationalism to the ground has allied itself with some truly dark and evil forces. Check out their latest recruitment poster:

1 comment:

  1. Ok. They do understand London PA recruits their own people, right?


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